Israel's Privileges
Romans 9:4-5 …Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises, 5 whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever.
Israelites are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac then Jacob, whose name God later changed to “Israel” (Gen. 32:28). Jacob had 12 sons, the fourth-born was “Judah,” the most prominent. His offspring are thus called “Jews,” a title that was later used for all of Israel.
The nation of Israel enjoyed many God-given honors. First, to them belong “the adoption as sons.” They were God’s “firstborn son” (Exod. 4:22; cf. Hos. 11:1) in that God birthed them through promise and then declared them first in preeminence and rank. Israel’s rights, privileges, and duties were that of a firstborn son. Yet their “adoption” did not provide salvation to every Israelite. The nation was adopted as God’s own for the purpose of displaying His glory to the world. Though they failed, receiving God’s discipline like a father to a son, God has never outright rejected Israel. Truly, Israel’s existence today points to God’s faithfulness to them.
Second, Israel had “glory,” the shekinah. This was a reference to God’s divine presence that accompanied them during their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness (Exod. 13:21; 16:7, 10). God’s glory was later fully present in the Holy of Holies, both in the tabernacle and the temple, which served as a kind of throne room for God (Exod. 25:22; 40:34; 1 Kings 8:11).
Third, Israel possessed the “covenants.” These were the unconditional promises God gave to Israel through Abraham (Gen. 15:18), Moses (Exod. 19:5), David (2 Sam. 7:12-16), and Jeremiah (31:31-34)—God’s guarantee to make them a great nation, give them the land of Canaan forever, produce a “seed” (Jesus) who would forever reign, and bless them eternally. All covenants except the Mosaic Covenant (MC) were unconditional, for since Israel’s sin abrogated the conditions of the MC, it was replaced by the New Covenant (NC). In the NC, though it has only been inaugurated through Christ, its ultimate fulfillment will come when Christ returns, for only then will God finally turn the Jews to their Messiah (cf. Ezek. 37:26; cf. Heb. 8:7-13).
Fourth, to Israel belongs “the giving of the Law” (Exod. 20:1-17; Deut. 5:1-22)—the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) and the numerous other principles and standards of God. Israel was unique in the sense that God had spoken to them directly about His holiness and the standard of His holiness as found in His Law. If they obeyed it, God would bless them. If not, curses.
Fifth, to Israel also belongs “the temple service,” or worship. This refers to the specific behaviors associated with the tabernacle/temple (Exod. 29:43-46; cf. Heb 9:1). God specifically revealed to Moses how He was to be approached through the sacrificial and ceremonial system.
Sixth, to Israel belongs the “promises” of God, specifically the promises in the OT Scripture concerning the future Messiah who would come out of Israel and usher in an eternal kingdom (Isa. 9:6; 53). He is the ultimate “seed” promised to Abraham (Gen. 15:5; cf. Gal. 3:16, 29). Peter spoke of this promise as fulfilled in Acts 2:39, as did Paul in Acts 13:32-34 (cf. 26:6).
Seventh, to Israel belongs the “fathers,” or patriarchs—Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and David. Their moral authority and influence led the tribes of Israel down the path of righteousness. And their progeny was none other than the Messiah—Jesus the “Christ who is God over all, blessed forever.” This verse affirms the absolute divinity and sovereignty of Jesus, who Himself is God.
Israelites are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac then Jacob, whose name God later changed to “Israel” (Gen. 32:28). Jacob had 12 sons, the fourth-born was “Judah,” the most prominent. His offspring are thus called “Jews,” a title that was later used for all of Israel.
The nation of Israel enjoyed many God-given honors. First, to them belong “the adoption as sons.” They were God’s “firstborn son” (Exod. 4:22; cf. Hos. 11:1) in that God birthed them through promise and then declared them first in preeminence and rank. Israel’s rights, privileges, and duties were that of a firstborn son. Yet their “adoption” did not provide salvation to every Israelite. The nation was adopted as God’s own for the purpose of displaying His glory to the world. Though they failed, receiving God’s discipline like a father to a son, God has never outright rejected Israel. Truly, Israel’s existence today points to God’s faithfulness to them.
Second, Israel had “glory,” the shekinah. This was a reference to God’s divine presence that accompanied them during their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness (Exod. 13:21; 16:7, 10). God’s glory was later fully present in the Holy of Holies, both in the tabernacle and the temple, which served as a kind of throne room for God (Exod. 25:22; 40:34; 1 Kings 8:11).
Third, Israel possessed the “covenants.” These were the unconditional promises God gave to Israel through Abraham (Gen. 15:18), Moses (Exod. 19:5), David (2 Sam. 7:12-16), and Jeremiah (31:31-34)—God’s guarantee to make them a great nation, give them the land of Canaan forever, produce a “seed” (Jesus) who would forever reign, and bless them eternally. All covenants except the Mosaic Covenant (MC) were unconditional, for since Israel’s sin abrogated the conditions of the MC, it was replaced by the New Covenant (NC). In the NC, though it has only been inaugurated through Christ, its ultimate fulfillment will come when Christ returns, for only then will God finally turn the Jews to their Messiah (cf. Ezek. 37:26; cf. Heb. 8:7-13).
Fourth, to Israel belongs “the giving of the Law” (Exod. 20:1-17; Deut. 5:1-22)—the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) and the numerous other principles and standards of God. Israel was unique in the sense that God had spoken to them directly about His holiness and the standard of His holiness as found in His Law. If they obeyed it, God would bless them. If not, curses.
Fifth, to Israel also belongs “the temple service,” or worship. This refers to the specific behaviors associated with the tabernacle/temple (Exod. 29:43-46; cf. Heb 9:1). God specifically revealed to Moses how He was to be approached through the sacrificial and ceremonial system.
Sixth, to Israel belongs the “promises” of God, specifically the promises in the OT Scripture concerning the future Messiah who would come out of Israel and usher in an eternal kingdom (Isa. 9:6; 53). He is the ultimate “seed” promised to Abraham (Gen. 15:5; cf. Gal. 3:16, 29). Peter spoke of this promise as fulfilled in Acts 2:39, as did Paul in Acts 13:32-34 (cf. 26:6).
Seventh, to Israel belongs the “fathers,” or patriarchs—Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and David. Their moral authority and influence led the tribes of Israel down the path of righteousness. And their progeny was none other than the Messiah—Jesus the “Christ who is God over all, blessed forever.” This verse affirms the absolute divinity and sovereignty of Jesus, who Himself is God.
Food for Thought
The Israelites today (Jews) are still a privileged nation. God has indeed blessed the world through them displaying both His blessings and His wrath. That nation gave us the Scriptures and Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, who is the ultimate fulfillment of all that God gave the Jews.
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