A Faithful Remnant, Pt. 2

Romans 11:5-6 In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. 6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

So in the days of Elijah (circa 800 BC), although the prophet thought he was the only worshiper of God left in Israel, God had preserved 7,000 others—folks with whom Elijah was evidently not familiar. Yet it appears in every age that this is what God does, preserving “at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice” (v. 5). So, in spite of Israel’s general unbelief in Christ in every age, God always preserves a remnant within the larger nation of Israel. This is the overall argument of Romans 9-11, for Paul is defending God’s character and showing how He is keeping His promises to Israel. Romans 11:5 answers the entire argument by saying that God is keeping His promises to the nation as a whole by preserving a remnant who will inherit all that He has promised them. The remnant will thus account for the entire nation.
When Paul wrote these words, although the Jews had rejected Christ as a nation, there were thousands of Jewish believers in Jesus Christ all over the Roman Empire (cf. Acts 2-5), Paul being one of them. All who did in fact place their trust in Jesus as the Messiah were descendants of the remnant God had preserved, and they themselves would become a remnant for God’s future plan to bring the remainder into His kingdom in God’s time. These are the ones chosen by God’s grace—His elect. As chosen children of God, none of them held the status of “Christians” by their own merits or spiritual worthiness. All were chosen, to include Gentiles, by God’s sovereign decree, His gracious and merciful choice based upon His predetermined plan to save a remnant of people from both within Israel and the Gentile nations.
Throughout Romans Paul has explained what grace is, namely the opposite of works (cf. 3:21-31; 4:1-11; 5:2, 20-21; 9:11). So if God’s plan is by grace, then works cannot be the means of salvation. If works had anything to do with one’s salvation, then grace would not be grace. A gift is a gift because one does not work for it. If one works for it, it is no longer a gift but a wage earned. Since the salvation God grants is a gift through faith in Christ, any view of salvation that adds works denies God’s plan of salvation. Sadly, there are some, like the Jews throughout their generations, who are so religious they fail to be spiritually astute. Salvation is, and has always been, by God’s grace alone. Works have no part with grace; the two are totally incompatible.
As for the final remnant of Israel, they will be revealed in the end times. God will seal for Himself a special remnant of 144,000 Israelites who will preach salvation to the world (Rev. 7:1-8; 14:1-5), leading other Jews to saving faith. Ultimately, all Israel will be saved (11:26).

Food for Thought

Joseph Rabbinowitz, a Russian Jew, was sent to Palestine by Jews to buy land for them. Advised to take a New Testament as a guidebook to get around the city, he went up to the Mount of Olives to rest. The only Christ he knew was the one of the Greek and Roman churches, who had persecuted his people horribly. As he read the New Testament that day, he met the Messiah spoken of the OT prophets, and his heart changed. Looking toward Mount Calvary he wondered, Why is it that my people are persecuted and cast out? The answer came to him: It must be because we have put to death our Messiah. Looking to Jesus, he prayed, “My Lord and my God.” Departing Jerusalem as a Christian, he went home to Russia and erected a synagogue for the Jews, over the door of which was written: “Let all the house of Israel know that God has made that same Jesus whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). He was one of the remnant of Israel—conclusive proof that God has not ultimately cast away His people.
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