Jealousy of Israel?

Romans 11:11-12 I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous. 12 Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!
In v. 11, “they” references the Israelites who are yet to receive Christ, who were hardened as a result (v. 7). These are “the rest” in v. 7, distinguished from the “elect” in v. 7—the remnant chosen by grace referenced in v. 5. This unbelieving portion of Israel have stumbled, an image dealt with earlier in 9:33 with a quote from Isaiah 8:14 and 28:16. The stone that God put in front of Israel was Jesus, over whom Israel stumbled when they rejected Him as Messiah. Paul’s point, however, is that although they stumbled, they did not “fall.” To “stumble” (Gr. ptaiō) is to miss a step; to sin. But to “fall” (Gr. piptō) is to suffer defeat; be ruined. Israel merely stumbled; she has not fallen. So, though the majority of Jews rejected Jesus, God is still not through with them.
The good news is that through Israel’s stumble, or “transgression” (Gr. paraptōma), God has drawn Gentiles to Christ, doing so without violating any of His promises to Israel. God has not abrogated His covenant with the Israelites, for His calling and gifts are irrevocable (11:29). What God has done, however, is work Israel’s failings for good (8:28) while saving the elect remnant within the larger nation. None of this qualifies as some kind of alternate plan on God’s part, for He spoke through Moses concerning Israel: “They have made me jealous with what is no god; they have provoked me to anger with their idols. So I will make them jealous with those who are no people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation” (Deut. 32:21). This is why v. 11 says that the salvation of the Gentiles in their reception of the Jewish Messiah is meant to “make Israel jealous.” Since Israel failed to make the world jealous by displaying God’s blessings, God turned the tables and is now making Israel jealous by blessing Christians.

When God called Abram, it was His intention that Abram and his descendants would be His tools for bringing salvation to the Gentiles. God told him, “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3). Later, through Moses on Mount Sinai, God reiterated to Israel that they were to be His spiritual ambassadors to the world as a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exod. 19:6). So, Israel was to be a light to all nations to open their eyes to the salvation that God would provide to them through His Servant (Christ) then to the Gentiles (cf. Isa. 49:6).

Now when Israel failed in their task to be a light to the world, God turned their failure into “riches for the Gentiles.” For after the converted Jewish Christians were chased out of Jerusalem, they went to the nations with the gospel, bringing countless Gentiles to salvation—a process that continues even today. But this is not the best that will be. For what God originally planned for Israel, He will bring to pass when Israel receives her Messiah. Though the riches of salvation have been bestowed upon the world as a result of Israel’s failure, how much greater will it be when Israel’s full inclusion is realized! Truly their stupor is only temporary and in God’s hands.

Food For Thought
            The idea of the Gentile Church making the Jews jealous, though God’s plan, has largely failed. Though many Jews have come to faith in Jesus as the Messiah, most Jews throughout the history of the Church have only been repelled by Christians. Although we were to shine the light of Jesus Christ on the world, and Jews, almost from the outset those who claim to be Christians have been nothing but obstacles to Jesus. From anti-Semitism in the Church to the Crusades to modern Christians embracing homosexuality, adultery, abortion, female pastors, ignorance of Scripture, Scripture butchering, etc. Truly, what is there for Israel to be jealous of today?
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