Israel's Ongoing Obstinancy

Romans 10:19-21 But I say, surely Israel did not know, did they? First Moses says, “I will make you jealous by that which is not a nation, by a nation without understanding will I anger you.” 20 And Isaiah is very bold and says, “I was found by those who did not seek Me, I became manifest to those who did not ask for Me.” 21 But as for Israel He says, “All the day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and obstinate people.”

As Paul concludes his thoughts on Israel’s rejection of Jesus as their promised Messiah, he asks a final question implying that perhaps Israel was too ignorant to believe in the word of Christ. His answer to the issue is found in OT Scripture, from both the Law—the first section of the Hebrew Bible, and the Prophets—the second section of Hebrew Bible. The quote from the Law comes from Deuteronomy 32:21, used by Paul to show that Moses prophesied how Israel would reject the Rock of her salvation and turn to other gods (cf. 32:15-18). As Israel would make God jealous by worshipping other gods, God would make them jealous by including the Gentiles—“that which is not a nation”—in His plan of redemption. These nations would make Israel both jealous and angry. Why? Because they would obey God while Israel rejected Him.
The quote from Isaiah 65:1 in v. 20 also proves that the prophets predicted that the Gentiles would be included as those who would be called “God’s people.” These unenlightened Gentiles, nations outside of God’s covenant, would actually understand God’s righteousness through the Jewish Messiah. So, if they could understand the gospel, then certainly the privileged Jewish nation should be able to! After all, Israel was the religiously gifted and highly favored nation of God. And as God had used the Gentile nations of Assyria and Babylon to chastise Israel, so too would He use Gentile believers to draw Israel to their Messiah, the Christ. So if the Gentiles can understand the gospel, then certainly the Jews can. Therefore, Israel has no excuse for not believing in Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, for they do indeed understand!

It appears that Israel’s rejection of righteousness by faith apart from works of the law had nothing to do with any lack of opportunity on their part to hear or understand the gospel. Their rejection of Christ rested solely upon their obstinance (v. 21). Due to such, Israel insisted on works-righteousness and personal merit to gain God’s approval, all the while knowing that true righteousness comes through faith apart from works. Verse 21 concludes that Israel was “disobedient and obstinate”—refusing to obey and stubborn respectively, terms that show determined and dogged rebellion against God. Therefore, Israel was not senseless, just willfully ignorant—from their own rejection of the gospel to their hatred for Gentile believers.

One wonders why God would patiently hold His arms open all day long (Isa. 65:2) to Israel. The parable of the wedding feast is just one story that illustrates His patience with Israel (Matt. 22:1-14) and for all lost souls who currently reject Christ. Notwithstanding, God’s arms remain open and inviting as long as the gospel is still preached. As long as preachers are still being sent, and as long as they are preaching Christ’s word, God’s arms remain open not only for Israel to believe but for all to believe. Those who reject Christ will have only themselves to blame.

Food for Thought

People sometimes ask me today what I think of certain preachers who are popular in the media. But they don’t always want to hear the answers I give. If I critique a popular pastor negatively due to questionable theology, I have at times heard the one asking me say, “No! Don’t say it; I don’t want to hear it!” Their love for the one in question causes them to want to turn a deaf ear to what the truth might be. This is an illustration of willful ignorance. Sometimes it’s just more comfortable to remain blissfully ignorant. But it is never beneficial.
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