to know Christ and
make Him known 

The Word of God book by book and verse by verse 

Harvest Bible Church Cypress

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Harvest Bible Church Podcast

Harvest Bible Church is an independent, evangelical, Protestant church located in the Cypress community that exists to make the name of Jesus Christ known throughout NW Houston and the ends of the earth.

We believe that our primary mission as a church is to joyfully proclaim the Word of God.  This belief is the core of all that we do, confident that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.
(Romans 1:16)

We are dispensational in our ecclesiology and eschatology, reformed in our soteriology, and conservatively passionate in our worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our greatest treasure and joy.

We hope you will take some time and explore our site to find out more about us or better yet, come visit and see what we are all about!

We welcome all

From Shepherding Groups to Fellowship Brunches, Sunday School to Bible Studies for men and women, Kids Night Out to Senior Adult bus trips, Young Adult retreats to Youth events, we have opportunities for people to gather together in community, deepening relationships and encouraging one another to draw closer to a life devoted to Christ. 

Latest Sermon

Check out the most recent sermon here or browse the full library of sermons

Gathering Times

Sundays at 9am (Bible Studies) & 10:15am (Worship Service)
Wednesdays at 7pm (Bible Studies)