
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

God has blessed us with the privilege of partnering with some amazing men, women and families in our effort to make disciples of all nations. 

HBC Online Ministries

Harvest Bible Church makes our Sunday morning sermons and Wednesday Evening Bible studies available for download worldwide in English and we have had 354,622 sermon downloads, reaching all 50 states and 131 countries. We also broadcast our Sunday morning services in a live webcast around the world every week, reaching 14,612 viewers in 44 states and 19 countries.
United States - Sermon Downloads (English)
World-Wide - Sermon Downloads (English)
United States - Live Webcast (English)
World-Wide - Live Webcast (English)

HBC Online Spanish Ministries

Harvest Bible Church has real-time Spanish translation of our Sunday morning services and Wednesday Evening Bible studies. We provide listening devices for our Spanish speakers to listen to the service in Spanish while worshiping with us in English. Our Spanish translated sermons are available for download world-wide and we have had 1,958 Spanish sermon downloads, reaching 25 states and 38 countries.
Our Spanish translated Sunday morning services are broadcast in a live webcast around the world every week, reaching 997 viewers in 30 states and 16 countries.
We connect with a church in Venezuela for our Sunday morning services and our Friday evening small group discussions.
United States - Sermon Downloads (Spanish)
World-Wide - Sermon Downloads (Spanish)
United States - Live Webcast (Spanish)
World-Wide - Live Webcast (Spanish)

HBC Supported Missionaries

In Romania, Harvest has partnered with some amazing pastors there to help further the Gospel of Jesus across this great country. Take a moment to get to know some of the folks that we support!

Nicolae & Daniella Vulpe

Nicolae Vulpe is a faithful minister of the gospel who pastors the Pucioasa Church in Pucioasa, Romania. He and his wife Daniella have three daughters. Nicolae possesses a shepherd’s heart as he cares for the spiritual needs of the people in the Church in Pucioasa. His ministry includes evangelism, discipleship and music. He is a very gifted musician. 
Sorin & Trisha Prodan 
Sorin serves as the HeartCry Director in Eastern Europe. He directs ministries in Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. His responsibilities include overseeing and training our missionaries in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Sorin is also planting a church in the Romanian city of Brasov. 
Alex & Anda 
 Alex  & Anda minister to Gypsy villages near Targoviste, Romania. Alex organized an English class for college students, led church inauguration event - planned as a testimony of God's grace and also as a good opportunity to invite people in our community to hear the Gospel.
Solomon Terculet
Florin & Mariana Stan 
Ben & Anda Mogos 
 Solomon works under Nicu Vulpe at Asociatia Betania Baptist Church in Pucioasa and teaches music at the church
Florin works with HeartCry Ministries as they plant churches in Romania and he pastors Fieni Baptist Church in Fieni, Romania. Although he diligently labors to feed and shepherd the people of God in the faith family of the local church. He also leads a church planting team in Fieni, Romania. Florin helps HeartCry to coordinate for the work in Romania; develops mission projects in five areas where HeartCry is planting churches.
The Mogos’ are involved with church planting, discipleship making, leadership and theological development, radio broadcasting, counseling and writing much needed resources in the Romanian language. They were born in Romania during the Communist regime. They both studied at Dallas Theological Seminary. Upon graduation from DTS in 2010, they moved back to Bucharest where they planted a new gospel-centered and grace-oriented church in the city’s downtown.
Romania picture

Leon & Melanie Best

(Houston Area)
Leon serves with Batho Plel Resource Center in Houston, Texas, in the underserved communities. He and Melanie co-founded the Batho Pele Resource Center.  They are committed to seeing these communities thrive in the areas of family, schools, churches, and business.

Greg & Alli Despres

(Houston Area)
Greg serves as Area Director for East-West ministries to mobilize the body of Christ, evangelize the lost, and equip local believers to multiply disciples. Alli is the leader of the Houston Arise Initiative.

Doug & Lori McCary

(Florida & India)
Shares Christ, locally on SWAT radio – a Christian talk radio for men.  Go to www.SWATradio.com to listen M-F from 3-4 EST.  Trained and sent out 39 church planters and missionaries from the Leadership
Transformational Training Institute in East Asia. Shares the hope of Jesus to hungry and needy people partnering with a local city councilman and Foodshare.
Leads men’s retreats and Bible Studies. Leads groups for training in Biblical context in Israel.

Roger & Donna Vann

(United Kingdom)
Roger’s focus is the UK where Cru is known as Agape. He worked throughout Western Europe on behalf of the Jesus Film Project and Digital Strategies. Serves on the Family Life team - training event speakers and developing a relationship app called Toucan. Leads an ex-prisoner mentoring project on the South Coast. Donna wrote and directed a socially-distanced  Nativity play during lockdown. She also writes children’s books.

Scot Wall

(Capital Commission)
Scot was born in Dallas and grew up in the Houston area. He attended Colorado Christian University and Dallas Theological Seminary. In 2001, Scot founded Magnolia Bible Church in Magnolia, TX. Scot traveled to Austin many times to meet with state leaders and pray with them. It was on one of these visits to Austin that Scot was introduced to Capitol Commission through then Texas State Minister, Don Garner. As Texas State Minister, Scot now invests his time to pray for, minister and encourage Texas state leaders full time through Capitol Commission.


(Somewhere in the Middle East)
Alina delivers the gospel and serves abused women in the Middle East.

Educational Ministries

Dallas Theological Seminary

For more than 90 years, Dallas Theological Seminary has equipped servant-leaders to proclaim the Gospel and build up the body of Christ around the world. DTS professors use the entire Bible as the central course of study – and it does not return void! More than 15,000 alumni now preach, teach, and live out the Gospel throughout the world.

The Master's University

The Master’s University is dedicated to educating young men and women for eternal influence in all areas of their lives. Their educational approach is distinct, their mission is clear and their doctrine has not wavered throughout their rich history, making TMU a worthwhile and reliable investment.

Local Ministries

Sharing the gospel and our lives with people is not something we are called to do only in different countries but also right here in our own backyard.  Towards that end, Harvest as a church family seeks to regularly be a place where the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached week after week.  In addition, we are also involved in some efforts here in the Houston area to take the Gospel to people rather than simply expect them to come to us.  Click on any of the below ministries for more information.

CareNet Pregnancy Center 

In Texas, over 85,000 abortions take place each and every year.  Some 22,000 of those happen right here in the Greater Houston area. Our city has the dubious distinction of being the abortion capital of our great state.  Babies are being lost before they breathe their first breath.  Men and women are hurting, struggling to find a solution for a pregnancy they didn't plan.  They need to know there is a God who offers love and hope. Through help from people like you, Care Net Pregnancy Center of Northwest Houston has been nationally recognized for intervening in an at-risk woman's search for abortion.  More than 95% of women who come through our doors for a pregnancy test choose to carry to term. 

(Cypress Assistance Ministries) 

CAM is a faith based organization that serves individuals and families in financial crisis, those on the brink of homelessness, the elderly, the unemployed and anyone that needs hope for a better future. Our goal is to restore our neighbors, regardless of religious or ethnic background, to self-sufficiency. 

Other HBC Supported Ministries & Missionaries

Ed & Toby Thomas (Japan)
Ed and Toby met in Conroe, TX.  They are compelled to love and serve the people of Japan who have NOT YET heard of His Name with the hope and joy of Christ.

Read about their call to serve with Japan Mission
Visit their personal website
Daniel & Karrah Darling (Spain)
Daniel and Karrah Darling are Missionaries to Spain sent through Faith Baptist Mission. Daniel grew up in the mission field of Venezuela.

Read more about the Darlings and their mission, scroll to the bottom of THIS link, and fill out the information card to receive the latest news from FBM.
Jeremy Sieberhagen (South Africa)
Jeremy is the director of Africa for Christ. He empowers and equips gifted men and women to plant healthy churches throughout Africa, in partnership with the wider body of Christ, focusing on under resourced communities.
Newsletters: Click here, hit “Subscribe” in the upper left corner and complete the information.
Find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AfricaForChrist1/about
Joe & Donna Rider (Wycliffe Bible Translators & SIL International Media Services)
The Riders have served with Wycliffe since 1997. Joe has held many roles in Cameroon such as head of Media Services, HR Director, & Northwest Regional Director. Joe is currently working as Director of Resources and Innovations of International Media Services. He is involved in providing vision and leadership for media development and services to language programs throughout the world. All this is to broaden the impact of Bible translations

In Cameroon, Donna has worked as an office administrator, librarian for the regional linguistic library, and bookkeeper. She currently works as an administrative assistant in International Media Services.

Read more about the Riders
Read about the Media Services and their impact
Bobby Jester (Commission Minister’s Network)
CMN is an international association of ministers and ministries that exists to serve men and women who are actively engaged in ministry either full or part-time.
Services offered are: Credentials for ministers, churches & ministries Financial & Administrative Partnership Association with an international organization
Ministerial liberty

Read about their work
Timothy Warren (Preaching Camp)
Timothy served as pastor of Grace Bible Church in Canal Winchester, Ohio, for seven years and attended the Ohio State University studying for a Doctor of Philosophy in Communication before joining the faculty at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1984.

He has taught preaching as a visiting lecturer at national and international seminaries, led a men’s Bible study at the Cooper Aerobics Center since 1985, and written weekly adult Bible study curriculum at Lake Pointe Church from 1990 through December of 2020.

Preaching Camp offers pastors and ministry leaders seminars, small group, and one-on-one sessions to elevate skills to become a better preacher. Preachers, like all who perform in public, need periodic, expert feedback; and all the more so because of the eternal significance of their message.

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Michael Lewis (Turtle Moon Films)
Universe Designed is a documentary by Michael Lewis of Turtle Moon Films, that will explore some of the evidences for God's existence. With interviews from some of the world's top Christian apologists, this film will present a few of Christianity’s best arguments.

As a former atheist, director Michael Ray Lewis has since discovered these evidences and given his life to Jesus. This has compelled Michael to share the information he has discovered with the world.

Watch the trailer
Global Media Outreach
Since 2004, Global Media Outreach has been committed to a singular mission: leveraging technology to invite all people to know Jesus Christ as Savior and grow in a personal relationship with Him. Over the past 20 years, the ministry has shared the Gospel with more than 2.7 billion people worldwide.

Read about this ministry and stay connected with them by filling out the connection card at the bottom of their page.
Jews for Jesus
Jews for Jesus is made up primarily of Jewish people, as well as other followers of Jesus who are committed allies of the Jewish people.

Their staff come from diverse Jewish backgrounds – some were raised Orthodox Jewish, some nominally Jewish. They are artists, parents, doctors, former IDF soldiers, and more.  But they have one thing in common: they all believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah foretold by the prophets.

They are in over a dozen cities around the world promoting Jewish faith in Jesus, facilitating Jewish community, and offering spiritual care and local services to support Jews on their spiritual journey.

Learn more
One For Israel
ONE FOR ISRAEL is an initiative of native-born Israelis on the forefront of high-tech media evangelism, proclaiming salvation to Israel, raising up spiritual leaders through ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Bible College and equipping them with the tools they need to transform our communities.

Their mission is to equip believers in Israel and around the world with the tools of ministry through our media outreach, and to train and empower local ministers in Israel with our Bible college and discipleship programs.

Explore their website
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Chosen People’s Ministries
For over 130 years, Chosen People Ministries has proclaimed the gospel among Jewish people all around the world and trained fellow believers to reach their Jewish friends, family, and neighbors.

Explore their website
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C.H.A.R.M. Prison Ministry
Christ’s Hope and Reconciliation Ministry’s mission is to bring the hope found only in Jesus Christ to incarcerated men and women, correctional personnel, and their respective families. Through one-on-one relationships, they introduce them to the hope found only in Jesus Christ and lead them to reconciliation with God.

They stand with them while they are behind the walls and walk beside them as they transition back to society. With the love of Christ, they take them by the hand as He leads them out of their past and transforms their hearts, their minds, their lives, their relationships, and their futures.

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