Those seeking membership must, through their actions, words, lifestyle, and affiliations, evidence a genuine experience of regeneration through faith in and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior.
They must renounce sin and endeavor to live a consecrated life wholly unto the Lord.
They are encouraged to attend the New Members Orientation Class where they will learn more about our beliefs, Statement of Faith, the bylaws of the church, general church practices, and expectation of members. (Classes are held quarterly)
They must submit their testimony to the senior pastor, which will remain confidential. The testimony should include information about their pre-Christ life, the circumstances in which they came to know Christ, their life since coming to Christ, and explain the following passages of Scripture: Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9-10.
They must sign a statement acknowledging that they have read and agree to the Statement of Faith and bylaws, which are available from the church office.
They must be willing to submit to the authority of the church and its leaders.
After senior pastoral approval, membership will be granted upon compliance with any one of the following conditions:
By immersion baptism at this local church following a profession of faith as a believer in Christ Jesus as personal Savior.
By testimony of faith, having been baptized by immersion in another Protestant, Bible-believing church of life, faith, and practice. If baptized as an infant, you are encouraged, but not required, to be re-baptized.
By restoration, if having been removed from membership, after confession is made publicly before the church of the sin or sins involved and there is clear evidence of repentance.