Children's Ministry

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Mornings - 9:00 am

Infants – 2 Year Olds:  Loving childcare
3 Year Olds – Kinder:  Bible story featuring the Answers in Genesis curriculum
1st – 6th Grade:  Bible study featuring the Answers in Genesis curriculum

Sunday Mornings - 10:15am

Infants – 2 Year Olds:  Loving childcare, free play & snack
3 Year Olds –2nd Grade:  Sunday School
Bible study featuring the Answers in Genesis curriculum
Answers in Genesis is a 4 year Bible based journey teaching about God, Jesus, and other men and women of the Old and New Testament.  It was developed to present the gospel, beginning in Genesis, to all generations. The mission is to train children to know, obey, and defend the Word of God and to encourage them to be conformed to the image of Christ.

Sunday Evenings - 5:00pm

2 Year Olds – High School:  AWANA

AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15)
AWANA is a Bible based Scripture memory curriculum designed to teach children and youth that God is real and that He loves them as demonstrated in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for all men.  The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ and train them to serve Him faithfully throughout their lives.

Puggles (ages 2 ½ - 3 ½) Bible stories, music, activities
Cubbies (ages 3-4) Bible lesson, memory verses, crafts, snacks
Sparks (ages 5-8) Bible lesson, memory verses, team-building games
Truth & Training (ages 8-12) Bible lesson, memory verses, team-building games
TREK (ages 12-14) Bible study, memory verses, and games
Journey (ages 14-18) Bible study, memory verses, and games

Wednesday Evenings - 7:00pm

Infants – 2 Year Olds:  Loving childcare and free play
3 Year Olds – 6th Grade – Bible Study featuring the Generations of Grace curriculum
Generations of Grace is a biblically based & God-centered curriculum for all children 3 years old – 6th grade that  covers the Old Testament historical books, the life of Christ and lessons from Acts and Revelation over a 3 year period.

Special Events

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

June 16th-20th, 2025
Kindergarten to 6th Grade featuring Answers in Genesis Curriculum
Wonder and amazement await us each day at Wonder Junction, where kids gather at the All Aboard Assembly, a high-energy beginning that includes wacky intros, lively songs, a Mission Moment, and prayer. Then they rotate through five fun sites: Lessons, Snacks, Games, Science & Crafts, and Music & Verses.

Children's Summer Camp

August 1st-4th, 2025
Overnight resident camp for students who have completed 3rd-6th grade. The theme this year is "Raising Up Spiritual Champions".

Kids Night Out

Quarterly on Friday or Saturday Evenings
Join us for Kid’s Night Out each March, June, September & December Kids will enjoy dinner, fellowship, game time, and crafts.
This is a great opportunity for parents to enjoy a kid free evening.

Meet the Team

Misti Smith

Children's Ministry Director
Misti oversees our Sunday morning and Wednesday night children's ministry activities as well as Children's Camp during the summer. She is wife to Brian and mom to Kyle, Connor, and Jensen. She loves equipping our Children's Ministry volunteers with the needed resources to teach the Word of God to kids here at Harvest. 

Kim McDonald

Children's Ministry Director
Kim leads our AWANAS ministry and our annual Vacation Bible School every summer here at HBC. She is wife to Joe and mom & homeschool teacher of Lauren (married to Ryan Cobb), Josh (married to Meagan), Emily, Jared, Katherine, Angelina & Christina. 
Senior Adults (60+)
Young Adults
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