Women's Ministry

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Spiritual Growth
The women of Harvest gather for inductive Bible study on Thursday mornings at 9:30am. Inductive Bible study is a method of study that teaches and encourages you to use the Bible itself as the first source of study to grow in your love and knowledge of God and His Word. After spending time observing the passage individually, we gather to share our observations. The process of discussion, observations, interpretations, and applications are clarified, confirmed, and corrected with the end product being a great love and understanding of who God is and how the Gospel shapes our lives.

The typical class involves discussion during the first hour and then viewing a DVD the second hour with snacks in between. The study requires approximately 2-3 hours of homework per week and the workbooks generally cost $20 each. Childcare is provided. 
Social Gatherings
We have opportunities for the women of HBC to gather and socialize together through Chica's Night Out, Cooking 2Gather, VBS Paint Nights, Women's Christmas Tea
*We also encourage our women to reach out and initiate spending time together in addition to the planned schedule. 
Service Opportunities
Many of our women serve on the Care Team providing meals for our people in need, or on the Kitchen Team in which we prepare and/or serve food for HBC events. There are many ways to get involved at Harvest Bible Church. 

Women's Ministry Team

Becky Broz, Vicky McCollim, Crystal Roberts, Cheryl Waldie

Cheryl Waldie

Women's Ministry Contact

Women's Ministry - Calendar of Events

Senior Adults (60+)
Young Adults
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