
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Bible Studies for Adults

Adult Sunday School Classes

Sunday mornings (9:00-10:00a) for 12 weeks

Current classes: January 5 - March 23
"1 Corinthians (continued)"
"1 Timothy"
"Young Married" 

Midweek Adult Bible Study

Wednesday evenings (7:00-8:00p)

Current study: February 12 - ?
“Zechariah” taught by Pastor Lance Waldie

April 2 - "End Times Prophecy" by Michael Svigel (DTS)

Bible Study for Men

Sunday evenings (6:45-8:00p)

Current study: January 5 - May 18
  • "Theology" taught by Pastor Lance Waldie on the 1st Sunday of the month
  • "Christ's Sermon on the Mount" taught by Pastor Lance Waldie on the other Sundays

Bible Study for Women 

Thursday mornings (9:30-11:00a) - Childcare is provided

Current study: January  9 - April 24
Inductive Bible study on "1st & 2nd Peter"
Additional Information
This is a method of study that teaches and encourages you to use the Bible itself as the first source of study to grow in your love and knowledge of God and His Word.  After spending some time observing the passage individually, ladies gather to share their observations.  The process of discussion, observations, interpretations and applications are clarified, confirmed and corrected with the end product being a great love and understanding of who God is and how the gospel shapes our lives.  If you have never done an inductive Bible study, don't let that scare you away!  None of us are experts and so we are learning and growing together and would love for you to join us!  The study requires approximately 2-3 hours of homework per week and the workbooks cost between $15-20/each. We use the Precept Upon Precept book written by Kay Arthur in the NASB Version. The typical class involves discussion over the lesson the first hour, a fellowship break and then regather for application of the lesson. The Fall Study begins after Labor Day and the Spring Study begins the second week in January. 
Monday evenings (7:00-8:00p) - NO Childcare is provided

Current study: January  27 - Feb 17
Book study on “Holiness of God” by RC Sproul

January 27 - Chapters 1-3
February 3 - Chapter 6
February 10 - Chapters 5 & 7
February 17 - Chapters 4 & 10

Shepherding Groups (Community Groups)

Shepherding groups help you connect with other members and dig into the Word while discussing weekly sermons. Groups meet in homes or at the church on various days/times.

Ministries for Adults

Fellowship Events for Adults

We have regular opportunities for the people of HBC to gather and socialize together as we enjoy a variety of events

Senior Adults

  • Hymn Sings
  • Day Bus Trips
  • Table Game Socials 


  • Basketball
  • Fellowship Nights / Game Nights
  • Annual Men's Conference


  • Chica's Night Out
  • VBS Paint Nights
  • Women's Christmas Tea 

Young Married

Young Adults

Currently, we rotate meeting at different homes for dinner and fellowship. We are not on a definite schedule; we just make opportunities when we can. Most of us have small children and must work around busy schedules. Sometimes moms and kids will meet at the church during the week for playdates.
  • Mini Golf, Laser Tag, Movie Nights
  • Lake Days, Beach and Camping Trips
  • Game Nights, Volleyball, Pickleball Tournaments

Calendar of Adult Events

Senior Adults (60+)
Young Adults
Extra Cal
Upcoming Events
Staff Calendar

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